📆 Thu, September 15th @ 6 pm GMT+3 | 60 min | Joberty Online Webinar

Embracing gRPC in .NET

In this session, we will look at how to use gRPC and its 4 models and what are the benefits or downsides of using gRPC compared to the traditional models.

Microsoft MVP, Software Architect

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#3 We will draw the winner on September 16th 🎉

In this session you will learn:

What is gRPC and why use it?

How to use gRPC to speed up your microservice communication?

Less known features of gRPC.

Software Architect, Microsoft MVP, International Speaker & Trainer
Software Architect, Microsoft MVP, International Speaker & Trainer
1000+ hours of delivered trainings and workshops
1000+ hours of delivered trainings and workshops
Founder of dotnetdays.ro conference
Founder of dotnetdays.ro conference

Meet Irina Scurtu, our speaker

She is Microsoft MVP for Developer Technologies, Software Architect and Microsoft Certified Trainer, always in a quest for the latest trends and best practices in architecture, .NET and the world around it.


💡 Looking for awesome .NET gRPC features to look at?

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